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We are obsessed with Magnesium oil for many reasons - one being that Magnesium Chloride is one of, if not THE most absorbable and ready to use by the body, forms of magnesium that there is. 


Magnesium plays a role in over 80% of the metabolic processes in our body and unfortunately most people are deficient in magnesium because our soils our depleted - which means that our food is no longer offering us adequate amounts of this essential mineral. Magnesium binds to many toxins in the body and due to excess exsposure to toxins for the average human these days, much of our magnesium reserves are used up by this process. That is one of the main reasons why it is so important to make sure that you are giving your body the magnesium that it needs. 


We believe topical magnesium to be superior to most magnesium supplements taken internally because it by-passes the digestive tract, where much magnesium can be lost due to competition with other minerals such as calcium, and instead absorbs directly into the skin and is carried to where the body needs it most! 


Magnesium deficiency can lead to a long list of ailments and diseases including: 


  • Bone loss
  • Diabetes
  • Muscle deterioration 
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Different forms of arthritis 
  • Hormone irregularities 
  • Heart disease
  • Poor circulation
  • High cholesterol 
  • & so much more! 


Dr. Carolyn Dean offers many resources and much research on magnesium.

I recommend all of her books as well as the book "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy" by Mark Sircus for those of you who want to dive deeper into this miracle mineral! 


Here is how we recommend using this oil: 


Spray generously on your feet each night before bed. This practice has been shown to improve quality of sleep and when done consistently works to restore your mineral reserves and help correct imbalances in the body caused by magnesium deficiency. 


We also like to use this spray to decrease pain and promote healing in all areas of the body. If a part of your body hurts, we recommend 2-3 squirts of the oil on the area of pain, gently rubbing it in. Magnesium Chloride works to relax the tissue in the area and bring fresh blood to the tissues, move old stangant blood out, and nourish the area. 


When you first begin working with this oil, it may cause some itchiness and discomfort when you spray it in places other than your feet. This is a normal reaction caused by a deficiency of magnesium which will resolve itself as you refill your magnesium reserves. 

What you can do to prevent that is mix 2-4 squirts of the magnesium oil into 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil such as castor oil or coconut oil. 

Magnesium oil has shown to increase energy when applied to the upperbody due to the increase of circulation and stimulation, so some people may want to avoid using it on their upperbody before bed and only using it on the feet or below the knees when going to bed. 


Magnesium oil has a wide range of uses including: 


  • Correcting nutrient deficiency 
  • Sprayed on armpits as deoderant 
  • 4-5 squirts in 3 oz of water, swished in mouth as mouth wash 
  • Increase libido - you can spray magnesium directly on your intimate areas to increase blood flow and excite the nerves, however we recommend spraying and rubbing it on the inner thigh the first couple of times until you get used to the sensation and know how your body will respond to it. 
  • Help you to sleep
  • & more! 


We highly recommend checking out the resources provided in this article, and of course reaching out to us directly if you have any questions! 

You can email or call/text (904)-295-7384



This blog is intended to provide information on this herb/remedy that I use regularly in my life. This blog is for educational purposes only, mainly for people who work with me or my remedies and are looking for information on how and why I use them and information on the ingredients. There is much more research and information on each herb and I always encourage everyone to ask lots of questions and dive into research for themselves as well as consulting with a professional. Visit our "resources" tab at the top for a list of SOME of our favorite books/teachers/videos.

Thank you!

Magnesium Oil

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review


    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Based on 1 review
    1 review

    • Tim McElreaDec 07, 2024
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
      Got me off Ibuprofen

      I can’t really state how great the magnesium spray has been for me. I picked it up while nursing a rotator cuff tear. It helped me manage the pain and inflammation for months until I could rehab. Now any muscle ailment I have I use the spray and it feel better. I’ve never used an anti inflammatory that is even close in effectiveness.

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