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Real Medicine

Passion Flower - Nourishes nervous system


Our core values include:



Every person has a right to affordable health care that truly nourishes their minds and bodies and teaches them how think and care for themselves. Using REAL MEDICINE - food, plants, clean water, and community we work to help others deepen their connection to themselves, their food, their family & community, and this big beautiful planet that we all call home.


We know that community and connection is KEY in creating a bright and sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come.

We work with individuals, families, communities & animals. Our mission is to provide tools, resources, and create spaces to help people learn, grow, and take charge of their lives. 

Nourishment is about ADDING nutrients, love, support and much more - giving our minds, bodies, and spirits the tools they require to function & thrive as much as possible! The human body and the planet that we live on are the most incredible, intelligent, self-regulating organisms that exist and if we give them the proper nourishment they will have what they need to heal themselves and maintain vitality! 


How do we work to do this?

We offer free to low-cost services such as health & nutrition guidance, plant medicine, community gatherings such as foraging hikes, circles, plant swaps & more! 


Right now we are raising funds to buy 100 french presses so that we can distribute free tea blends with french presses to the less privileged communities. Our intention to doing this is to introduce them to plants in a way that is nourishing and low-cost. Someone has already donated 70+ french presses!


Click on the "Gatherings" tab to see our up-coming gatherings in the community, the "Offerings" tab to see some of the 1:1 or family services that we offer, the "About" section to learn about our founder, the "Photos" tab to see different slides of photos from some of our gatherings, the "Herbs & Remedies" tab to read about some of the medicine that we offer, and the "Online Communities" tab to join our online spaces!



Community Nourishment would not and could not exist without YOU - the community! We ask for and receive your support with so much gratitude! There are a number of ways that you can support us including - coming and participating in any of our gatherings, volunteering to help with our gatherings and events, spreading the word about us & our vision, and donating resources & money! Every little bit helps! If you would like to get involved and/or donate, please send a message to:

Or use the contact box down below!



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