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Warrior of the Woods

Updated: May 31

The Warrior of the Woods tincture is a great companion for hikes, camping trips, & outdoor adventures! This remedy works magic when you're bit by a bug or stuck by a thorn - almost immediately reducing pain & swelling!

More than that, this remedy can assist with infections from the blood, to the kidneys and bladder, & more!

Consisting of burdock root, red clover blossom, yarrow flower, and red rose petals, WOTW works quickly to neutralize invading organisms and begin cleansing the site and blood stream.

My recommendation when using this remedy to counter a bug bite/sting is to apply the tincture to the site of wound and keep applied all day for 1-2 days, while taking a dropper-full of it internally every hour or so for 2-3 days.

This remedy works quickly and effectively and I recommend it to anyone who spends time outdoors, is afraid of bugs, or wants to keep an herbal arsenal stocked and loaded.

This formula also helps the body overall by working to eliminate toxins and cleanse the blood. This remedy can also help with viruses, rashes, respiratory ailments, and more!

When working with an acute flare up or infection, I recommend 1 dropperFULL every 30 minutes to an hour until the bottle is gone.

For general support and cleansing of the body, I recommend 3-5 dropperfulls a day, always in an oz of water.

These 4 herbs are some of my most reliable allies that I use in many remedies.

If you would like to order this tincture to have on hand please send and email to: or text/call (904)-295-7384.


This blog is intended to provide information on this herb/remedy/formula that I use regularly in my practice. This blog is for educational purposes only, mainly for people who work with me or my remedies and are looking for the information on the remedies, how and why I use them, and what is in them. There is much more existing information on each herb and remedy and as always I encourage everyone to ask lots of questions and to dive into research for themselves as well as consulting with a professional.

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